The first steps with your new bow. Here you will find all the useful information, which are interesting for you as a beginner. Work your way through our descriptions step by step. If you have any questions or need a personal consultation, please feel free to contact us at any time.
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1. How to use the bow correctly
This picture shows a right hand archer. The right-handed archer also needs the bow in the right-hand version. The word "right hand" refers to the hand with which the string is pulled out. The right hand archer holds his bow in his left hand and pulls the string with his right hand to the anchor point. A left hand archer also needs the bow in the left hand version. The word "left hand" refers to the hand with which the string is pulled out. The left-handed archer holds his bow in his right hand and pulls the string with his left hand to the anchor point.

2. How to string your bow by using a bow stringer
When the bow stringer, the two "leather shoes" are pushed over the tips at the end of the bow stringer. Please make sure that the string on the lower limb lies exactly in the string grove of the bow tip. On the upper limb, the string grove must be free (Fig. 1) so that the string can be inserted during the process.

When stringing your bow, please step with both feet on the string of the bow stringer and place your feet about shoulder-wide. Pull the bow strongly upwards. Push the string at the upper limb to the outer edge of the bow until the string snaps securely into the nock grove of the tip. As you relax the bow, do this in reverse order and let the string slide inwards over the limb or remove it from the outside.

When using the string of the bow stringer with tension shoe (picture 3) place the leather tension shoe with the non-slip rubber surface downwards on the upper side of the limb. Please make sure that your limb is not damp or wet at this point. This bow stringer can be used for recurves as well as for longbows. In contrast to the two other strings of the bow stringer, the string can also be removed from the outside of the limb. The length of the bow stringer has to be adjusted according to the length of the bow and body size of the archer.

3. Brace height
The brace height is the distance from the lowest point in the handle to the string when the bow is stretched. It is decisive for the fact that your bow can fully develop its specified power and pass it on to the arrow. Especially for beginners the brace height is often ignored and the string often hits the forearm or even the root of the thumb when the stand is too low. During the first 150 - 200 shots (shooting phase) with a new string, the string may stretch up to 5 cm and must be twisted in several times. As shown in Fig. 1, the brace height of the bow is measured when it is stretched. The back of the checker is placed at the lowest point of the handle.

The Checkers extension arm (Fig. 2) points towards the string and thus serves to determine the brace height. If you remove one end of the string from the bow, you can extend (untwist) or shorten (twist in) the string by turning this end. Do not turn the splice string against the production twist! This will change your brace height and guarantee the performance and shooting comfort of your bow. The brace height depends on your bow and must be stated when buying a bow.
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